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Choosing the most suitable investment or savings plan can prove something of a minefield – there’s so much choice that, without qualified  guidance, it’s easy even for experienced investors to feel a bit bamboozled.

Avoid the pitfalls

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work..”

(Thomas Edison)


Are you at the start of your career and wondering if now’s the right time to start a pension?

Perhaps you’re hoping to retire in the next 10 years but are unsure if your existing pension is really up to the job?

Or maybe you’re already in a final salary company scheme but would like to find out if it would grow faster under a different arrangement?

Is it the right time?

Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.

(Warren Buffett)


Insuring yourself against sickness or even death might not be a pleasant thought, but it’s much simpler to mitigate against such things with a clear mind than for your family to have to cope with financial uncertainty in stressful circumstances.

Secure their future
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